Sunset Boulevard Auditions End on a High Note…
Auditions and cast ‘try-outs’ are now finalised for Sunset Boulevard.
The second round of auditions recently held at Beau Sejour Theatre proved be extremely productive with a number of high-class auditionees contesting the principal and ensemble roles within the musical.
Chris Bougourd is now pleased to confirm the cast of Sunset Boulevard will consist of an ensemble of 22 strong performers to support the leading characters. Chris says, ‘The island wide open audition process had proved to be very successful, and will introduce new faces to an EVOKE audience. Sunset is by no means an easy musical, however, the talent within the casting will reap dividends when the production opens on Monday 12 November 2012’.
Details of the casting can be found on the Forthcoming Productions page of our web-site. Further information will be posted in due course.