Coming in November – Ray Coone...
Set in a hospital, this hilarious comedy, ‘It Runs In The Family’ will tread the boards at Beau Sejour Theatre from Tuesday 12 to Friday 15 November …
Announcing JAMES & THE GIANT PE...
EVOKE’s June play is the story of Roald Dahl’s classic tale that is faithfully told by James himself and the insect characters – Miss Spider, Old-Green-Grasshopper, Centipede, Ladybird, and Earthworm …
Anything Goes Principal Cast is Anno...
And here it is… the principal casting is confirmed and EVOKE are delighted to announce the following who have been selected to portray the main roles within the show …
Cole Porter’s Anything Goes is one of the greatest American musicals and is set to take centre stage at Beau Sejour Theatre in November 2018 …
Anything Goes AUDITIONS/CASTING deta...
This stunning musical will be calling cast members during April/May. The production will open on Monday 12 November and run for six nights with curtain up at 7.30pm …
‘ANYTHING GOES’ is announced as EVOK...
One of the greatest American musicals, a masterpiece of verbal and musical flippancy and it is set to take centre stage at Beau Sejour Theatre in November 2018 …
We’ll miss you PETE
Pete will have been known to many in the local entertainment community since he rarely missed an event, and he was a familiar face at all of EVOKE’s productions …
Musical 2018 – we’ve signed on the d...
The 2018 Musical will celebrate EVOKE’s 10th Anniversary, and naturally, a special production is guaranteed to enthral local audiences …
In need of skis and salopets
Can you help? We need to loan six sets of skis and salopets (3 female & 3 male) for the cast of On the Piste to wear during performance …
A Gifted Author(s) Equals A Successf...
EVOKE’s Production of There Goes the Bride will open and run from Tuesday 20 to Friday 23 June 2017 with curtain up at Beau Sejour Theatre at 8.00pm …